I feel like a victim of the recession today. British pound is falling like hell this month, cause the British government is cutting interest again. Shit! I hate this. I fucking hate it!
The exchange rate now is 1GBP to RM5.34. It's fucking low.... And the 1 GBP against USD is 1.5. Against Euros is 1.13. Shit!!! This is damn low and there are speculations saying that the rate against Euros will drop until 1.08!!!
I really feel like a victim of the recession and I can't do anything. If I transfer my money to other currencies, I'm gonna need some british pound here because I'm staying here. If I transfer my money back home, I'll lose in exchange rates, I'll lose out in commission and also I won't get any interest as I don't have a foreign bank account. I feel so fucking helpless.
From what I've heard, the economy in Malaysia is not doing very well either. Mainly due to instability in politics which deters foreign investors. The rise in crime rate also makes it difficult to run a business, let alone foreign investors.
Tell you what the foreigners think about the economy in Malaysia is like. It's an oil production country, hence it's rich. Located in the South East Asia, lots of people often have the impression that our political stance is something similar like Indonesia and Thailand. Malaysia's reputation in corruption and bribery can be ranked in the top 10 countries in the world. Basically, we are just as 'competitive' as the government in China, or maybe worse. This is how bad it is. Sooner or later, we might have to compare ourselves with countries in Africa.
I'm so helpless in this recession. Can't do a thing and feel like a sitting duck. I bet it's worse for ppl who used to work in banks and have lost their jobs overnight.
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