The people in the stalls are all farmers disguised as artists. They're fucking stupid and have absolutely no idea of running a business. The photo below will explain what the fuck is wrong. My friend is looking at something and the owner just sit there and do nothing! What the FUCK is wrong with her?? She's not even doing anything!! She's not even trying to persuade my friend to buy anything or persuading others to come to her stall. I bet she's only interested in how many sheeps she have.

In Christmas eve itself, the photos below will explain how happenning the city celebrates Christmas.

Yes. The labels are right. You don't see any decorations or anything as you've seen in TV, or probably the ones you see are from america rather than poor British. The streets are quiet and the whole city turns into a ghost town. Even rubbish man don't collect rubbish.
British actually hide in their pathetic small home with their families during Christmas. Hmm... Sounds more like Halloween to me.
Anyway, to all my readers and viewers, 'Merry Christmas and may the force be with you'. Haha... That's a bit futuristic... HAha...
Well, I am surprised actually... Hmmnmnmnm... I tot it's more merrier there..