Wednesday, 17 December 2008

How many of you really think that "Honesty is the Best Policy", or how many of you still believe in it. Surprisingly, I still do. Haha...

Yesterday, I went to this Japanese restaurant called Tenkaichi and I've left 2 packs of orange juice there. Only realised it hours after I've left the restaurant. Well, it's a small matter, only cost me 3 pounds.... Easy come, easy go.

This afternoon, some random thoughts crashed into my mind. I got their phone number and phoned them, with a glimpse of hope that they'll keep my orange juice. Guess what, they really keep my orange juice. Wahaha... I felt so fucking lucky and said I'll come and collect them.

In the evening, I went to the same restaurant to collect it. It's the very same packets of orange juice that I've left there. It's in the very same plastic bag with the same receipt in it. What a miracle. I wanted to award the waitress who kept it for me, but she's not working tonight. Too bad then....

I guess in this society (referring to the whole world except british), there's actually nice and good people around us. It's just a matter of trusting each other. Haha... I felt like i've been touched by an angel....

Not this Ji Bai angel lar.... The one below lar... Haha....


  1. What a story! U must have had a nice dinner with a lovely girl so that u forgot the juice^_^

  2. Dear bro,

    Honesty can never do wrong, not true for an idiot anyway.


  3. lol...

    so happy that the waitress save the "juice" for you...

    yeah.. sometimes i find it amazing too, when ordinary people just do ordinary simple things for needed people... i mean the world is so corrupted, and yet there are still kind souls here and there...

    anyway.. it reminds me of your angel during high school... if you know what i mean...heh heh



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