I watched a horror film yesterday night. It's called 'The Last Supper'. Well... It has nothing to do with the stupid painting or anything to do with Christianity, Satan or whatever... Christianity isn't everything in this world... It's a Japanese film in 2005.

It's a film about canabalism... Yeah... Man eating man...

I mean human eating human flesh.... Yeah... more like Hannibal Lecter... :D But Japanese version.

The story started of saying how a cosmetic surgeon started his passion for human flesh... As a surgeon, he often get patients doing Lypo-suction. You know, those needle get poked into the stomach and they suck out all the fats... One day, he stole one of this human fats (not that anyone wants it), and started eating it. Haha.... He said it tasted bitter, cause of the anaesthetic and all the medicine. But it just taste different from everything... Haha...
Days later, he found some woman who commited suicide. He then stole the body and started eating it. Haha... When he ran out of human flesh, he then flew to HK to buy some. Yeah... this is how the Japanese ppl portray Chinese....
Anyway, you have to watch the film yourself. It's a good film I think. It sort of creates another way of thinking.

By the way, quoted from that film. 'The love for meat, is to eat the meat of your love'..... Haha...
After watching this film, probably some of us will become vegetarian... It kinda influenced me a little...
Hahaha, okaaay.... that does seem pretty gory. I'm now staring at my chicken dinner. Feels weird.