We first went to a pub for a few drinks, just to kick-start the night. We sat down and talked for 1/2 an hour. I don't really want to stay there and talk to anyone that time, cause it was so fucking noisy and I'm starting to have problems with my hearing. Fucking hate talking or meeting people in pubs. There's just no point and you can't know anyone in pubs. So I drank up my Guiness and usher them to leave.
We then proceed to the club next door. After entering the club, I've only realized that I've lost/dropped my phone. I tried calling my phone, and it rang 2 times and hung up. I know what happened then and that there's probably no chance of recovering my phone back. Lucky I've still got everyone's contact details in my other phone. Was a little pissed-off....

Suddenly, this FUCKING British drug addict came over and asked us if we have any pills? It was the first time someone in UK ever asked me something like that. We told him we don't have any, and he spit at my friend's face.... and this is what happened....

They started fighting in front of me. I wanted to help them by just kicking that fucking Brit or punching him at his ribs. Probably could snap 1 or 2 bones in his rib cage. But I chose not to do anything. It was already a bad day for me losing my phone. And if I get involved in this shit, I might just take it out in this MOTHER FUCKING drug addict, and appear in the newspaper.
I don't know if I'm considered a coward or being wise? It still bugs me. Was probably my only chance to fucking beat-up a FUCKING BRIT. There were 60 of us in the club, and him with his gf. Argh.... It's really bothering me...!!!
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