Got this photo taken in WH Smith, a stationery store in Bath. They sell stationeries (obviously), maps, travel items, magazines and books in train stations and in the high street. But anyway, they're not important.
What I wanna write about in this post is my girl friend's trip to UK. Well, she was here for 3 days and I accompanied her for all 3 days, from Heathrow airport until she departs from heathrow. Does that make me a nice guy or an ordinary guy? Haha...
Anyway, she reached here on Wednesday 6.30am, and I have to leave Cardiff by 23:20 the day before. Reached the airport at 3am in the morning and stayed in the airport until she arrive. We then had Traditional English Breakfast and went back to Cardiff.
Nothing much to do in a small place in Cardiff. So I thought I took her to Roath park, 15 mins away from my house. Just an idea of how Roath park really looks like. It was a nice weather although it was predicted that there's a hail storm. Guess my girlfriend is my sunshine and is a miracle to me. Hehe...

It was a sunny weather but still a bit chilly, so we had ice-cream.

Second day, we went to Bath, another small town in Britain. I find this town unique from other towns or cities in Britain. They have their own architectural feature where most of the buildings are made out of Bath-stone, which is the yellow coloured stone. Lots of old masonry arch bridges around this town. It's like an ideal place for a bridge engineer like me. Hehe... Getting a little geeky here...
Anyway, went to the Roman Bath, where ancient Romans used to take a bath here. Because of the hot springs here, they're able to clean themselves here and some believe that it's a holy place for worshipping the gods.
But anyway, we're not allowed to enter the water and we didn't take a bath together. Haha... So instead, we went around Bath and saw a few bridges that we've inspected. :D Felt so nice showing her what I do for a living. I guess the bridges don't really excite her that much, which I can understand. Haha....
Found a place in Starbucks and sat down for coffee cause her knee was hurting. I had black coffee as usual and she had one of those ice-blended drinks. We then had this chocolate cake, which is rich but a little dry. They probably kept it for some time or the weather made it dry. Either way, seeing her made my coffee sweet.

Went to a pub in Cardiff Bay that night. I wanted to show her the pubs in Britain, cause I think it's something very BRITISH or something that reflects the culture here. Yeah, the drinking culture. YES, it is. The pubs around here is smoke free, i.e. no indoor smoking, only drinking. The traditional timber decoration makes one feel warm and cozy. Not sure if she likes it, but I prefer pubs with modern deco.
Day 3, I prepared breakfast for her with flowers, as promised. Haha... Me trying to be romantic, what a rare scene. Breakfast wasn't brilliant, sausages, fried eggs, orange juice and toast. Only realised that I can't cook breakfast and I can only cook lunch and dinner. Probably because I never have breakfast. Haha..
After breakfast, we walked around cardiff city centre to do some shopping. Then I realised that I'm really terrible going shopping with girls. I can't really give much comments cause I don't know much about fashion. All I see is either shirt or T-shirt, skirt or pants, long or short. Colour and cutting hardly cross my mind. In fact, when I buy my clothes, I don't even look at the price, as long as it fits well and feels comfortable, within my price range, I'll buy. Haha.... but I will learn, so she can be happy while shopping.
After that, we went to the Heathrow for her flight. It is sad sending someone away, especially the one you love. Cause after that, it's an agonising 3 hours of coach back to Cardiff alone. It's not tiring, but the fact that I don't know when we'll see each other again.
Anyway, her visit is the second most memorable days within 5 years in Britian, followed by my family visiting me. Looking forward for her next visit................. which is TOMORROW!!! Haha...