Thursday, 12 February 2009

Valentine's Day plans

Valentine's Day is around the corner. How do you normally spend your Valentine's Day?? How would you spend your V Day this Sat??

Well, funny thing about V Day here in Britain is that it's always associated with SEX. Is Valentine's Day all about sex??? Or do British have stronger sex drives??? The reason I'm writing about this is because most of the Valentine cards are all SEX related. I haven't got a problem with that, just that I find it funny.

Anyway, how would you spend your Valentine's Day this year??? I guess the following pictures might give you an idea of how to spend your V day.

A romantic trip to Paris?
Don't give a fuck to Valentine's Day??
Roses for your partner???
A set of sex toys for your partner? (Applicable to guys or girls)
For yourself ?
Or use it together with your partners???
Get an expensive sex toy for private use?

Anyway, doesn't matter how and where you're spending your Valentines Day, it's never too late for last minute arrangements. And, most importantly, don't forget your partners name.... Hehe... Just joking.... I mean, don't forget the 3 important words. :D

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