Went to the other strip club in Cardiff yesterday night. There's only 2 strip clubs here in Cardiff, and it was a friend's birthday, so we've decided to go to the other club called "Fantasy Lounge".

Well, it's much cheaper compared to the previous one we went to. Entrance fees are the same, and the drinks there are so cheap. Cheaper than the ones in the bar. 3 bottles of Alco-pop (Smirnoff-Ice) cost only 5 pounds. What a bargain... Next time I'll ask my colleagues to go there for after work drinking. :D Bet it will be odd and funny, since everyone in the office pretends to be serious.

A private lap dance with the dancers only cost 10 pounds!!! That's so much cheaper compared to the previous one. Hmm... I wonder where did all the money come from....

Anyway, the club is not crowded with people. Maybe because it's a weekday. Most of the people there are probably taxi drivers. Don't look down on them.... Cab drivers here are fucking rich.... They buy houses by cash and now, they're the only person who can buy houses easily in Cardiff, despite the credit crunch.
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