Here in UK, you won't find beggars. Because they're called another name, "Homeless people". But to me, it's Same Shit, Different Packaging.
Well, homeless people here is not quite the same as the ones back in Malaysia. To be qualified as a homeless person, you'll need a permit. Yes, you need to apply for license/PERMIT to beg for money. Or else, the local authority (DBKL equivalent) or police can catch you. SO, before giving out any money to them, make sure you ask for their begging permit. Haha...
Anyway, ever wonder why most of the homeless people here have a dog?? Because they like dogs? Dogs like them, cause they smell like dogs? Because British pity their dog more than them??? Hmm...

Or maybe their dogs can do the job for them???
Well, the reason why homeless people have a dog because they haven't got the 'License to Beg'. There are so called "Homeless Shelters' for them but not the dogs. These shelters are meant to provide them with a shelter so they're not homeless. Since their dog is not allowed to enter, in a way, they're free to beg for money anywhere in the streets.