The Highways Agency (HA)in UK (equivalent to Lembaga Lebuhraya Nasional) is responsible of maintaining the highways and the trunk roads in the UK. And they're big government organisations with lots of money and redundancy...
My company is involved in some of HA works in the country. We cover the whole M4 and M5(from Cardiff to London and Cardiff to Birmingham, M4 is approximately 280miles). This morning, I've heard a big news from the HA. They've decided to double our outputs to them. In other words, we have to produce twice the amount of work that we used to do with double the price (but the rates are the same).

So this is an indication that the British government is starting to pump more funds/money to stimulate growth. So how much have they've decided to pump? More maintenance works means more works to the contractors to stimulate other industries. For our region in the M4 adn M5, they've planned to spend approximately £25million pounds in a year!!!! Could you believe that?? It's like building 1/4 of the whole highway. Fucking hell....
Let me know what do you guys think.
Wah, are you serious ar? You must be very informative working in the industry. I wish I was like you...