So what do I normally do during weekends?? Read books, online, watch movies, meet up with friends, clean the house and write some reports.... The same thing I do every weekdays.... To me, the only difference between weekdays and weekends is that i don't have to go to the office. However, I still feel the same, cause there's nothing interesting in Cardiff... There's no place that I'll hangout... What a sad place...
Life here is so boring compared to KL. Not because it's a small place, but because the friends that I know here are different from the ones in KL. Friends that I know here 'come and go', as in they live in Cardiff for a year and leave Cardiff the next year... So I don't really get to know them really really well... I'm not blaming them, but this is the kinda life living in a foreign place...
So what am I gonna do today apart from writing blogs???
1) Buy a mop and mop the floor
2) Email my bro
3) Read a book
4) Play badminton
5) Invite friends for dinner and prepare dinner
6) Download some films
Sounds like a routine I do everyday... apart from the badminton and cleaning.
Another reason I think I don't really enjoy weekends in here, because I don't have anything to do in this place. The locals hangout in bar and clubs drinking until they can't remember what happened. But I don't enjoy it. Not to say I don't drink, but I don't enjoy drinking... I still go clubbing with friends and enjoy looking at the funny drunk British....

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