Since I will be leaving this pathetic country in September, I'm gonna try and get myself away from paying Council Tax this year. So, I'll have to stay low, under the radar for 6 months, and hope that the council here is stupid enough. I'm gonna try and abuse their stupidity. Haha...
So where does all these council tax (cukai pintu) goes? Council tax are collected by local government (DBKL equivalent) to make the city beautiful, maintain the roads (not highways or any trunk roads), bridges, retaining walls, collect rubbish, clean the streets.... You get the point...
Well, the way ppl avoid paying council tax in KL is by ignoring DBKL, then give some money to some person, who called themselves officers, and you'll be safe. Quick, easy and common. This is how things are done in KL.

What about the British way of doing it? First of all, British don't like receiving briberies. I don't know why. Maybe they have no balls? Maybe they have strict policies and are being enforced by the law? But certainly not because of ethic, cause I don't believe Brits have any.
The way the Brits avoid council tax, is to point their fingers to someone else. Blaming other people. Blaming the postman. Blaming the council for not asking them. Blaming the bank for not defaulting the direct debit. Blaming the neighbours for stealing their mail.

They will create some ridiculous nonsense and blame somebody else. Yes, this is the true British culture. I'm working in an office full of Brits and I understand how they blame peoples. Brits are very slick and careful with their words.
If the Brits can't find any excuses or someone to blame on, they'll make a big fuss of it. They'll make up a story and pretend that their helpless in coping up with the council tax and publish it in newspapers. For example, a lady can say that she lost her boyfriend in the Iraq War, can't cope up with council tax, her cat/dog died last week, inflation is high, can't cope up with the mortgages due to credit crunch... You know all those bullshit. They can even hold protests and blame the banks for increasing their credit limit, causing them to have a hard time to pay their credit card debt.
By publishing these news in the local papers, local councils will feel threatened and not collect tax from her. This is the true British way of dealing with problems. They're COWARDS.